Saturday, December 28, 1918 to Mother.

Will write you now instead of tomorrow as am going out tomorrow morning for an all day hunt and will probably be too tired when I get back in.


He makes a point that he is “no longer ‘Infantry’ nor is it A.R.C. but A.S.C. My proper address now is Capt. Thomas C. Montgomery A.S.C., U.S.A., Hq. Dist. of Paris, A.P.O. 702, A.E.F.” Whether he assumes a precise address will expedite his mail or he is just one for having the record accurately reflected isn’t clear.

“Had very pleasant Xmas. On Xmas eve had dinner downtown with two other officers, the wife of one of them and another American girl. Afterwards we went on to a “reveillon” as they call it at the home of some French friends, which consists in a grand celebration, with dancing, food etc. We left at about 1:30 A.M. whereupon our hosts were quite peeved as it seems it is not good etiquette to leave one of these affairs before daylight in the morning. Personally I should have had to go to sleep somewhere before that time. We had a big dinner at our apartment Xmas day and then in the evening I went to dinner at Madame Borel’s. The latter was a quite homey dinner but very pleasant as it always is at her home.

Thursday night went with another one of the fellows in our apartment to dinner with some of his friends over on the “Left Bank” of the river and afterwards to a small dance over there. Had our invitations to dance through Madame Borel, it being a new place to me, and it was one of the most beautiful houses I’ve been in here. The people were very distinctly of the real kind and it was their first attempt at entertaining American officers. Enjoyed talking to a French Major and his wife who were just back from the States where he had been an instructor at Camp Gordon at Atlanta.

Had a note from Miss Coker a day or two ago saying that she expected to be here on leave next week so hope to be seeing her again at that time.

2 thoughts on “December 28, 1918. “We had a big dinner at our apartment Xmas day”

  1. Sounds likeUncle Monty had a great time in the Great War. I don’t remember ever hearing one word about it even from his daughter.


    1. Monty had a great time once the Armistice was signed. He seemed to make good friends before then and played golf Sundays while the cannons were blazing on the front. He may never have talked about the war afterwards. The letters were in an UNOPENED package (sent to Monty by his sister) postmarked 1955 which was in CA’s (daughter) possession when she died in 2006.


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